Mt Vesuvius in the background. There was a bus and train transportation strike (one day only), and we thought we were going to be stranded. The lady at the hotel suggested taking a ferry.
We got the car back from the shop yesterday. I put twice as much into repairs as the initial cost of the car, but I think it will be a good rig for us. The power steering system was replaced, new timing belt, various hoses and tubes replaced. They took it apart three times trying to find all of the leaks. It is very good that I did not attempt the repairs myself.
We celebrated Elijah’s 11th birthday on Friday. Gayle made sure he had a great day. The boys are both doing great.
What follows has absolutely nothing to do with our outings, but on my recent reflections. Read at your own peril
The other day I met Bob M. who is also new here and who also hails from Washington. We got to talking and discovered that we have many other things in common as well; for instance, what we have been reading. He highly recommended a book that he had recently finished by the author of Blue Like Jazz, Donald Miller. I recommended The Shack, which may be the best book I have ever read.
After making such a bold statement, I realized that I needed to decide what I mean by "best book". First, The Bible does not count as a book in the sense of comparing it to other books. I am not saying The Shack is up there with the Bible. It is also not the most captivating book I have ever read. For example, when I read Frank Herbert's Dune, I pretty much read it in one sitting, without stopping for meals or to sleep. I cannot even say that I agree with everything in it. But what I do mean by "best" is, The Shack is more thought provoking and persuasive than anything else I have ever read on the most important topic there is. Much like George MacDonald and C.S. Lewis, the author leads the reader down a path of inevitabilities for those who believe the Bible to be true. It is thought provoking, because these inevitabilities are counter-intuitive to the everyday World in which we live.
There. It took half an hour to articulate, but now I know what I mean when I tell people The Shack "may be the best book I have ever read."
Back to my story. Bob lent me his copy of Searching For God Knows What, by Donald Miller. He and ?? have clearly been drinking the same kool-aid. This book also is very good. I'm only about half-way through, but so far it seems mostly an expository on Genesis 3, the fall. Adam and Eve's glory came from God. They lived in perfect relationship with Him, and as a result of the fall, there is something twisted, wrong and missing ever since. Those are not new ideas so far, but what is a fresh idea, is seeing that our primary problems come as a result of us trying to get that glory back by getting it from other people.
Here is a paragraph I want to pass on:
"...I really started wondering if maybe a human is defined by who loves him. I know it sounds terrible, because we have always grown up believing that a person is valuable even if nobody loves them, and I certainly agree with that because God made everybody and the Bible very clearly states He loves everybody. But, as Paul said, if those relations are disturbed, the relations between God and man, then we feel the desire to be loved and respected by other people instead of God, and if we don't get that love and respect, we feel very sad or angry because we know that our glory is at stake, that if there isn’t some glory being shone through us by somebody who has authority, we’ll be dead inside, like a little light will go out and our souls will feel dark, like nothing can grow there.” (p. 108)
This book is also helping me to come to a better understanding of my own opinion about patriotism. I have wrestled with this issue for literally decades. My plebe year at the Naval Academy was, ironically, when I first started to love my country, and when I first became disillusioned with patriotism.
Here’s how it happened. I and the other incoming freshmen (plebes) that were coming from the Naval Academy Prep School were distributed across the 36 companies of the Naval Academy. We checked in a day or two earlier than everyone else. Then all of the other incoming plebes were assigned to the 36 companies. It looked random, but I know that there was thought given to ensuring that every third company had females in it (so they would have roommate choices.) There was probably also thought given to ensure a somewhat random distribution of incoming athletes, honor students, etc.
The morning after everyone had arrived, we were awakened by loud shouting. We lined up at attention against the wall in the hallway outside of our rooms. Most of us were disoriented and shaking like leaves in our newly issued gym clothes. That day, we were informed that our group of 32 plebes was Foxtrot Company, and we were better than all of the other companies. We came up with chants to reinforce this idea. The only basis whatsoever that we had for making the assertion is that we ourselves were in this company.
You may think that this was completely innocent and harmless, but I don’t feel that way. Even then I understood that the idea was to teach loyalty to my group and exclusivity over other groups. I believe the same dynamic holds over all organizations and institutions that we subscribe to, including my city, my branch of service, my high school, my church, and even, my country.
Loyalty is better than pure selfishness, because it takes into account the others in my group. However, it is still me-centric. Over time, I came to know and love those other 31 plebes. They did and still do have value, but not because I myself had been placed in the same company. True value and worth is not based on my personal proximity or affinity.
It was about this same time that I also came to love the United States and the core principles that we as Americans embrace. The main idea of democracy is that all people have value, and ought to be treated with respect. This is a very Christian idea. The United States has a rich heritage of people doing their level best to promote this idea. In my mind this is different than patriotism. Many governments subscribe to it. It is a principle of inclusion, rather than exclusion. This idea is worth fighting for and dying for.
As it is only family and a few close friends reading this, it seems crazy to get so philosophical. I suppose I am writing in part because this has been like a sabbatical for me, and I have had time to think. But I’m putting it here in our blog, because I know some of you who I love and respect will be reading this. You may have wondered in the past how I could be so left-leaning. It stems, I think, from the above distinction.
I invite your comments. You are free to disagree with me…but you would be wrong. (Just kidding.)
Thanks for the updated pics, though I am rather jealous of the fact that it's mid-November, and Italy looks like it's about 5 month-zones behind us.
As to your philosophical thoughts - I have a hard time passing up a good philosophical conversation - I have also struggled with the idea of patriotism. I grew up with the idea that patriotism was somehow related to Christianity (after all, we are a Christian nation, right?). However, as time went on, I realized that the only reason I am here ("I," as in the spiritual stuff that makes up who I am) is that God chose Wenatchee at the expense of China, Africa, or even Bellingham. If "I" had been born in China, wouldn't I be a patriotic Chinese. If "I" had been born in Africa, wouldn't I be a patriotic African (yes, I know that Africa isn't a country). So really, isn't patriotism equivalent to bragging to your elementary-school playmates about how your dad can beat up everyone else's dad? As if we even had a choice in the matter.
Rather, I see our country of origin as being similar to our family of origin. It is the place of blessing, growth, and ministry to which God has called us and placed us. Therefore, I am glad to be an American, but I'm not proud to be an American.
The question that I still struggle with is this: if I were ever drafted into the armed forces, would I be willing to kill for my country?...
Well, I was going to talk more about that, but that's a BIG question, and I won't impose upon you to read the lengthy post that I would generate by trying to address it :)
Take care,
Hi Greg. I just read the blog and thought it was great. For me, reading your thoughts is like reading Donald Miller's work. I know there's a lot going on in your mind and I like to see it captured on "paper." I have read Blue Like Jazz and loved it. I am on page 147 of the Shack. I have been in the same chapter for 2 months because that is about how old Anna is, also because I lost interest due to cheesy metaphors in this particular section. Thanks to you I will continue reading and hope to be just as impressed.
RE: patriotism. So I understood why you came to love U.S. but not sure I grasped your point on patriotism. Do you liken patriotism to the brainwashing that said your USNA company was better than everyone else? (By the way, interesting that my upperclass emphasized just the opposite, that we were "Barney" flight and had to prove that we deserved a better name.) Thus patriotism is still self-centered? I can't say that I perceive any of your thoughts to be "left-leaning," just introspective and frank. But then if I knew more on your political views, news sources and interests, etc., then maybe I would understand what you mean by that. Perhaps I will come to know them better with time. Anyway, write on!
Winter hit 2 or 3 days ago--seriously. I don't mean seriously, like 2 feet of snow in the NorthEast, but seriously, like we have to wear jackets outside now. We've been told it will be that way until March.
As to killing for my country, I felt I had to work through that before I joined the military. For me it came down to the question of, would I be willing to kill in hand-to-hand combat (i.e. face to face), and would I be willing to kill if someone I loved was threatened. As the U.S. borders protect most of those I care about, it followed pretty easily for me that I could be in the military.
I didn't think of plebe year "brainwashing" so much as reinforcing a principle that comes easily to natural man; it's all about me. Yes, I think patriotism is an extension of that idea. When we ask, "why" am I rooting for (fill in the blank here), it seems to always come down to the "my ___".
I love you. Reading your philosophical thoughts made me miss you so much. Remember the long discussions in high school? Gosh, discussing this stuff is so much more interesting than washing dishes or dusting the living room! (both of which I should be doing). No time now to respond in depth, but wanted to say thanks for sharing your thoughts. Pics of your family and thoughts from you.....what a great blog! :-)
Love to all,
(hug your wife for me, will ya?)
Thanks for the pics and your thoughts. I wanted you to know that I was paying attention!
I did want to mention that I personally, have always been proud to be an American for so many reasons, including the freedom to express our opinions without serious reprisal. I cannot remember a time when I wouldn't have been willing to fight, if necessary, even to back an elected official who might make a wrong decision according to me or some other armchair quarterback. "my humble contribution"
love you guys...
The blog looks great and I am so homesick for my neighborhood of Pozzuoli. I'm glad to see you are traveling and enjoying your time. I'm so glad somebody listened to me and went to Naples!
Whats up with the apartment? Are you moved in yet? I miss that apt.
Did you know the church just past Alfonso's pub is next to the prison where Sofia Loren did time for tax evasion a few years ago? Her house where she grew up is now a school. Its a red building on the right after you pass under the train tracks as you are walking toward the amphitheater and Madigans. Just a little local trivia.
Read your last post and I want to recommend a book to you that really brought out a feeling of patriotism in me. Read "The Revolution" by Ron Paul and go to Ron It is a true reminder of what a radical idea liberty is and how we are losing it quickly or may have lost it completely. After you read it you will have to ask yourself and your Navy what the heck we are still doing with bases in Italy. I truly hope you will read it and get back to me with what you thought about it.
Warmest greetings to all the Crabtrees. Ciao
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